Making Resale Cool
The trends of resale are constantly changing. Sometimes it’s fun to thrift, sometimes it’s responsible to buy resale and reduce the carbon footprint, sometimes you are lucky enough to get free stuff from friends and family. Whatever the trends, reselling items is an important part of our economy and can be a great way to create your unique style.
There’s a difference between resale and thrift stores even though the words are often used interchangeably. Thrift stores typically rely on donations to supply their inventory. This means you’ll find a great deal on your treasures but their quality might be questionable. Sometimes you’d find a great surprise which is one reason people enjoy thrifting. There is a hunt and exploring element to this search.
Resale or consignment stores have more a partnership with sellers and can be picker on the items they accept. These stores have an advantage of crafting a specific style or special focus to their store. You’ll find lots of stores on each end of the spectrum from older items in vintage shops to newer inventory in current or trendy places (clothing resale shops are great for current style options).
In Western PA, there are many thrift stores run by non-profits. With our aging Pennsylvania population, there are plenty of items needing rehoused as people change life seasons. These items tend to be well made but out of style and showing the marks of a well-loved lifetime. While these stores are a great option, they usually don’t have current styles. Resale or consignment shops have trendier and often higher quality items.
At The Perfect Piece, we’re trying to create an atmosphere of current and transitional style. What’s comfortable, what’s trending, what’s cool. But more importantly, what tells your story? What items bring joy, are you drawn to farmhouse neutral or industrial metal styles, what makes you feel at home? Just because something is current doesn’t mean you love it. How does the current home décor trend mesh with your style? How can you add a few new items to your living room and update your home without redesigning the entire place?
People put a lot of thought into their home. With the rise of HGTV, homeowners were given a window into interior design, trending styles, and ways to incorporate pops of new decor into their current collection. But here’s the funny thing… something that was current 20 years ago might still be your style. We often think we need to redesign everything to be trendy. Fight that urge! Lean into your style and if you want to be more modern, add bits of new.
Resale shops are so helpful with this. Because we don’t have all the current trends as we bring in sofas that were purchased 10 years ago, you can find items of a variety of styles. Stores are not stocked with items a purchaser can order from a catalog but a mix of styles from the last few decades.
This is transitional style.
This is on trend.
And this is cool!
Creating a home that feels like you from so many styles and trends, all weaving the story of you.